Darknet Child Rape Video: Man Receives 70 Years Jail
Child Abuse: Authorities earlier arrested a man for raping a one-year-old child and uploading the video on the dark web as other perverts watched and made suggestions for his subsequent videos. According to a report,James Lockhart, 31 was dragged to court and handed with the maximum sentence of 70 years for committing such an outrageous act. Investigation revealed that Lockhart had engaged in this act for a while and had victimized multiple children and proudly bragged about that.
Authorities found a forum in one of their usual patrols on the dark web and discovered an uploaded video that had to do with child sex abuse. This patrol was part of a project called “Operation Test Pilot”, which discovered multiple websites and forums that promotechild abuse. They then realized that most of the perpetrators live in the U.S.
Being more interested in the uploaded 8-minutes-long video, a short investigation in the posts of the uploader, his messages, videos, forums and images on the dark web led to the discovery that the uploader was no one other than James Lockhart using the usernames “strangewood” and “hardwood”. To find his whereabouts, investigators used a messaging app called Kik to track his username “strangewood”, obtained his IP address and traced him.
Authorities obtained a warrant and went to Lockhart’s house in the night. They had a chat with his wife, and showed her the video. She quickly recognized the abused childeven though the face was blurred. She was said to have also confirmed the abuser as her husband, having recognized the hand, the couch and the child’s toy in the video. Investigators then compared the hand in the video to Lockhart’s hand and technically analyzed the similarities. Also, handwritings found in the house were compared to the handwritten sign in the video, and all were confirmed to be a match.
Authorities realized that Lockhart had engaged in many other child sex abuse acts and uploaded videos of himself raping children since 2016. After asking suggestions on the kind of abuse to inflict on his victims in his next videos, he promised the community made up of equally pedophile users to expect more videos of the same kind.
In October 2018, authorities arrested James Lockhart. The execution of the search warrant led to the discovery of a number of clips which had notbeen uploaded on the dark web. A total of 43 Child abuse clips were discovered as well as a total of 4000 Child abuse images.
In one of his chats, Lockhart was found bragging about raping another one-year-old child. Surprisingly, Lockhart was found to be a licensed paramedic until his arrest which came late last year. He had worked under the Paramedic and Logistics Florida as a paramedic and supervisor since 2012. However, he was fired right after his arrest according to John Peterson, the Chief Operating Officer of Sunstar Paramedics, the parent company of Paramedic and Logistics Florida. Peterson stated that no report had been made that a patient was involved. They also assured authorities to provide their full cooperation to the case if needed.
In his earlier appearance at the law court, Lockhart was charged with producing, distributing and possessing child pornography.Four clips of his Child abuse acts between March 2016 and February 2018 were provided to the court in his last appearance and they became strong evidencefor his crimes. One of the videos revealed a screaming child being raped by his father without any sense of pity.
Michael B. Cochran, a Homeland Security Agent said after the sentence that the deviant father did an unimaginable atrocity to a one-year-old child. As claimed by him, the partnership operation that caused the arrest of Lockhart will go a long way to ensure that the child would not be harmed again.
Global War Against Child Abuse
Child abuse is an unforgivable crime in the United States and across the globe with many meetings conducted to help eradicate this crime. It was reported that about one million Child abuse images were found online in 2005, and almost 50,000 images are added every year. Out of the posted images, about 70% of them are images of children under 10 years old. This and many other reasons influenced the partnership and the launching of the “Operation Test Pilot” to wage war against the pedophiles. It is evident in the case of Lockhart that authorities patrol the internet and the deep side of the internet to find and subject child abusers under the authority of the law.
Underground investigations are ongoing and it is expected that this operation would yield a positive effect.
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Dec 30, 2024Torture triste mf in jail